Game Jam

April to May 2025

Full Sail's GameJam is an invitation for students from the 9th year of Elementary School to the 3rd Year of High School so that they can participate and explore the process of creating a digital game.

Individually or in a team of up to 5 students from the same school, participants must create a pitch to present their idea for a digital game and present this idea to convince investors about the viability of producing their ideas. Allow your passion to speak up, in this case, through the gaming world!

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Game Jam 2024 Winners

Colégio FECAPRodrigo Cruz DomingosEric Hiyosuke Nakau AzumaEduarda Macedo NocettiMurilo dos Santos Silva VieiraProjectWinner
Rio International SchoolBruno PellegrinoBernardo OliveiraMaria Eduarda VillanovaProject2º. Place
Colégio Johann GaussAna Paula de LimaJulia MimoProject3º. Place


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Honorable Mentions of 2024

Marista Frei RogérioDeikimar Antonio LimasMateus Ambrozio VargasProjeto
EverestDiego CarvalhoCatharina GomesBruna JabourProjeto
Colégio PentágonoDaniela PensadoPedro RamosProjeto
Colégio UNIVAPHélio EsperidiãoBianca Uchôas FernandesMiguel Toledo NonakaValenthina GasparinProjeto
Marista Santa MariaLeila GuerinoNicole Moda ParizottoAna Clara Bach de PaulaBeatriz Castro OkasakiProjeto


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If you study in a school that is a partner of Full Sail University in Brazil and you are 13 to 17 years old, you are our guest to this year's edition of Full Sail's GameJam.

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Registration Process

Registration Process
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The Challenge

As a participant of our GameJam you will be invited to:


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Project Criteria

Students must create a video with up to 3 minutes of length in which they must show their idea for a game (characters, mission, scenarios) and describe the audience for this game and how it will be monetized.

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Evaluation Criteria

All videos submitted will be evaluated according to the rubric below:

Valuation-criteria Videos that exceed the duration of 3:00 will not be evaluated.

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Rules & Regulations

CLICK HERE to review the Terms & Conditions for Brazil.

Each student can only participate in one group. There are no limits to how many groups from the same school can participate. The school must register to participate in the GameJam, so that the school’s students can register to participate and then create their groups.

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Meet the Judges

Check below the amazing professionals that will help us evaluate the projects of this edition:

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Mentoring Lessons

Participants will be given access to recorded mentoring lessons, which aim to help increase the quality of the projects. Mentoring lessons will be available to students until the date of the project submission deadline. The mentoring lessons include:

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Prizes and Awards

Projects will be evaluated according to the rubric and 6 prizes will be awarded:

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How to Submit your Project


Participants that fail to upload the project will not be able to receive a certificate and/or prizes, in case the group wins this edition.

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icone When and how do I create my group?
You can work individually or in groups with up to 5 participants. You must register individually to the GameJam. Groups will be identified through the project submissions, as students that submit the same link and 500 character paragraph will be configured a group.

icone Will I have to develop a full game?
No, the objective of this competition is to get participants to create a pitch for a digital game. Of course, the more you can illustrate your ideas, the better, but you don’t need to develop and program a game.

icone Do I need to record myself in the pitching video?
You don't need to record yourself in the vídeo, but it is important that your pitch has a clear explanation of your digital game idea.

icone How will I access my Attendance Certificate?
If you register and do all tasks assigned to participants in the GameJam within the deadlines of the GameJam you will receive an Attendance Certificate, which you will be able to download straight from our digital platform.

icone Can I participate if my school is not a partner of Full Sail University?
All activities Full Sail University performs in Brazil are exclusive for schools that are partners of the university. If your school is not a partner yet, please ask your teacher or principal to get in contact with Carol Olival through the email
