Game Jam
Full Sail's GameJam is an invitation for students from the 9th year of Elementary School to the 3rd Year of High School so that they
can participate and explore the process of creating a digital game.
Individually or in a team of up to 5 students from the same school, participants must create a pitch to present their idea for a digital game and present
this idea to convince investors about the viability of producing their ideas. Allow your passion to speak up, in this case, through the gaming world!
Conheça as próximas edições
Game Jam 2024 Winners
Colégio FECAP | Rodrigo Cruz Domingos | Eric Hiyosuke Nakau Azuma | Eduarda Macedo Nocetti | Murilo dos Santos Silva Vieira | Project | Winner | ||
Rio International School | Bruno Pellegrino | Bernardo Oliveira | Maria Eduarda Villanova | Project | 2º. Place | |||
Colégio Johann Gauss | Ana Paula de Lima | Julia Mimo | Project | 3º. Place |
Honorable Mentions of 2024
Marista Frei Rogério | Deikimar Antonio Limas | Mateus Ambrozio Vargas | Projeto | ||
Everest | Diego Carvalho | Catharina Gomes | Bruna Jabour | Projeto | |
Colégio Pentágono | Daniela Pensado | Pedro Ramos | Projeto | ||
Colégio UNIVAP | Hélio Esperidião | Bianca Uchôas Fernandes | Miguel Toledo Nonaka | Valenthina Gasparin | Projeto |
Marista Santa Maria | Leila Guerino | Nicole Moda Parizotto | Ana Clara Bach de Paula | Beatriz Castro Okasaki | Projeto |
Game Jam 2023 Winners
Colégio Cope | Elisa Machado | Fernando Millán | Leonardo Netto | Isaias Queiroz | Gabriel Borges | Samuel Borba | Project | Winner |
Instituto Educacional Manoel Pinheiro | Viviane Toledo | Daniel Duarte | Paulo Lima | Diogo Rebelo | Luana Marotta | Tomas Silva | Project | 2º. Place |
Educare Education | Gabriela Ballalai | Tarsila Nascimento | João Filho | Hugo Xavier | Caio Brito | - | Project | 3º. Place |
Honorable Mentions of 2023
Colégio São Luís | João Rodrigo Agildo | Arthur Gaio Moysés | Caio Maezono | João Gabriel Kay | Caio Takeuti |
Colégio Pentágono | Daniela Pensado | Pedro Ramos | - | - | - |
Colégio Rio Branco | Renata Condi | Yasmim Marly Passos | Karina Rodrigues | Sérgio Henrique Oliveira | Luiza Arantes Braz |
Colégio Positivo | Ana Teixeria | Alex Ogg Strauss | - | - | - |
St. Paul's School | Marcos Müller | Caio Timm | Isaiah OSullivan | - | - |
Game Jam 2022 Winners
Colégio Rio Branco | Mateus Ogawa | Gustavo Chang | Gabriel Crisci Saade | Luiz Antônio Ferraz Kastrup | Vitor Alencar de Miranda | Winner |
Colégio Cope | Fernando Henrique Franco Millán | - | - | - | - | 2º. Place |
Colégio Jandira | Pedro Pinheiro Zaros | Vicente Almeida Pires | Eduardo Rivabem | Pedro Rozineli Pereira | - | 3º. Place |
Honorable Mentions of 2022
Everest International School | Isabella Abreu | Cecilia Angelo | Francisco Franklin | Mariana Gomes |
Colégio Leonardo DaVinci | Pablo Barrionuevo Claudino | - | - | - |
Colégio Master | Isabela Lobato | - | - | - |
Colégio Master | Isabele Martins Oliveira | - | - | - |
Colégio Rio Branco | Teodoro Neira | Yago Cassaguerra | Gabriel Andreoni | - |
Colégio Jandyra | Raphael Dibbern Dias | Mel Elize Santos Lopes | Vitor Fantuchi Lopes | Ariadne Eccher Leme |
Colégio Rio Branco | Felipe Barussi Sant Anna | Victor Sanches | Gabriel Frigo | Sabrina Sanches |
Questions? Contact us at colival@fullsail.edu