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Teacher Professional Development

2023 Edition

Welcome to Teacher Professional Development 2023 where educators from around the world can learn how to apply new teaching techniques and make the classroom a truly engaging experience.

This free series is comprised of monthly modules with webinars, video sessions, and hands-on challenges.



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2023 Modules

Technology in the Classroom
APRIL Technology in the Classroom
Gamification in the Classroom
MAY Gamification in the Classroom
Project Based Learning in the Classroom
JUNE Project Based Learning in the Classroom
Make-up Month
JULY Make-up Month

Transmedia Storytelling in the Classroom
AUGUST Transmedia Storytelling in the Classroom
Psychology in the Classroom
SEPTEMBER Psychology of play in the Classroom
Media and Communication in the Classroom
OCTOBER Media and Communication in the Classroom
Make-up Month
NOVEMBER Make-up Month
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Who is TPD meant for?

Teachers from any kind of institution who are interested in learning about how to increase engagement in the classroom.

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Where does the program happen?

TPD happens 100% online, with 6 monthly modules and 2 make-up months, when teachers can recoup any module that wasn’t completed by the teacher.

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What is the schedule like?

All modules have the same schedule:

  • 1st Wednesday of the month: live Launch call, 9am ET (participants can watch live and interact with instructors or watch the recorded session later through our digital platform)
  • 4th Wednesday of the month: live Wrap-up call, 9am ET (participants can watch live and interact with instructors or watch the recorded session later through our digital platform)

Between the Launch and the Wrap-up call participants have to watch three videos about the theme of the month in our digital platform, answer a questionnaire about each module and complete and submit a hands-on project. As a last task to achieve the certificate, participants have to offer feedback to two projects posted during the month.

All tasks must be completed during the month the module is being offered. If a participant doesn’t have enough time to finish a module during its month, two make-up months will be offered, when past modules will re-open and participants will be able to complete them.

Modules are independent, so participants can choose to take whatever module seems more attractive to them. Each module completed will unlock a certificate and a LinkdIn badge for participants. Participants that finish all modules will be ble to download a complete certificate for TPD 2023 and apply to participate as mentor in the following year’s edition.

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Benefits to take part in TPD as a participant

Participants that take part in TPD will have an opportunity to join a community of thousands of educators from all around the globe, as well as develop their skills to create more engagement in the classroom.

By joining our community participants will have access to hundreds of projects created in the past editions of TPD, and get inspired by them.

Creating the project for the module participants will be forced to put into practice the content of the module they are taking, as they have to submit a lesson plan in which they need to use the topic of the month. TPD is meant to be a hands-on program, in which teachers share and learn and put into practice the content through their project.

A certificate of competition for each module a participant concludes is another benefit, as well as a complete certificate for participants that finish all modules. This year TPD is integrated with LinkedIN, allowing participants to enrich their social media profiles in this platform with a TPD competition badge, should they want to share that they have completed a module with their connections.

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Benefits to take part in TPD as a mentor

The topics we study in TPD are forever evolving, and it makes sense that participants should remain connected and exchanging information and experiences about these topics.

For that reason, TPD also includes a mentor perspective, when teachers that have concluded the program in the previous years can continue being a part of this initiative, offering their expertise to new participants as mentors.

Mentors offer feedback to projects submit by new participants and get a special module on how to offer consistent review following Full Sail’s feedback methodology, RISE.

Mentors also receive certificates per module when they complete at least 10 feedback forms I compliance with our feedback methodology. This year TPD is integrated with LinkedIN, allowing mentors to enrich their social media profiles in this platform with a TPD mentor competition badge, should they want to share that they have completed mentoring a module with their connections.

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How can I participate?

If you are a school, you need to register and let us know who will be out point of contact in your school. The point of contact is the person with whom we will communicate to send progress reports and inform of anything relevant about the program. After you register your school, your point of contact will receive access to our platform and be able to download a marketing kit, to promote TPD internally in your organization.

If you are a teacher: you need to request someone from your school to register the school in TPD. As soon as your school is registered, you will be able to register as a participant and take part.

If you are an independent teacher: you can register yourself as a school and then as a teacher.

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Is TPD meant for a specific type of teacher?
TPD is meant for all types of teachers, regardless of what or who they teach. TPD is about engagement in the classroom, and the modules we see apply to all types of audiences.

How much does it cost to participate in TPD?
There are no fees involved in TPD. It is completely free of charge for schools and teachers.

Can I say I have a degree with Full Sail if I conclude TPD?
TPD is not an accredited program from Full Sail University, so you cannot say you have a degree with Full Sail. TPD is a free program created by Full Sail University as a way to give back to teachers, our heroes and biggest partners in our mission to educate professionals for the creative economy.

How many editions have happened of TPD?
Our first edition happened in 2020 and since then we have been offering yearly editions of TPD.

Which countries can participate in TPD?
All countries are welcome to participate in TPD.

If I don’t finish all modules this year, can I conclude TPD in the following year?
No, if you don’t conclude a module this year and you want to receive the complete certificate for TPD you will have to take the whole training in the following year.

If I register as a teacher will my school receive information about my progress?
Yes, all participants that are linked to a school will have their progress reported to our point of contact in the school (the person who registered the school in TPD). Reports are sent on a monthly basis.

Do mentors get paid?
No, TPD is a free of charge initiative and offers an opportunity of training, networking and development for participants and mentors. As a mentor you won’t be paid to offer feedback to projects. Being a mentor is a way for you to continue connected to this initiative as a volunteer.

*Please remember to use your name in the registration form as you would like to see written on your certificate.
If you are having questions please contact us at tpd@fullsail.com