Celebrating the contributions of educators.
Teachers don’t just teach, they help prepare their students for the road ahead. Educators around the globe motivate, inspire, and give back each day and in the last year, teachers have proven they are capable of all that and more.
That’s why during this Teacher Appreciation Week, Full Sail is doing something special just for teachers, educational administrators, and support personnel – no teaching required!
Sessions for international teachers:
Monday, May 3rd 2021 - 8:00 to 9:00 PM BRT
Winner: Fernanda Bernardes - Colégio Vila Olímpia/Positivo, Florianópolis - Brazil
Opening Announcement
Lucky draw prize for participants: USD 250 voucher in Amazon.com
Tuesday, May 4th 2021 - 8:00 to 9:00 PM BRT
Winner: Kleber Mazziero de Souza - Centro Universitário Belas Artes, São Paulo - Brazil
Apple recommended 3rd Party Apps to help enhance your classroom
Lucky draw prize for participants: USD 250 voucher to get Apple gear
Wednesday, May 5th 2021 – 8:00 to 9:00 PM BRT
Winner: Gisela Flores
Adobe resources for educators
Lucky draw prize for participants: one 12-month license to the Adobe Creative Cloud
Thursday, May 6th 2021 – 8:00 to 9:00 PM BRT
Winner: Dalva Célia Henriques Rocha Guazzelli - Centro Paula Souza - Brazil
Educator Appreciation - Join an open QA session with some of our award-winning graduates about their career journey and how they fought through the “No” to become successful within the entertainment, Media, arts and Tech industry.
Lucky draw prize for participants: USD 250 voucher in Amazon.com
All educators that participate in all 4 sessions will get a certificate (Recognition of Participation).
If you are having issues using the platform or registering, please watch the video below.