Intensive English Webinars for teachers
Teachers can have a powerful impact, and nothing is more motivating in a class than an instructor that is excited about the material that is being presented. The Intensive English program of Full Sail University has created a set of 10 webinars that aim to inspire teachers from all around the globe by sharing techniques and tools to boost classroom engagement.
All webinars are conducted through Zoom, and you can select one or more according to your needs. Each one runs for 45-60 minutes and all are offered in English.

- How to Create Engaging Content Online for Adult ESL/EFL Learners: strategies for creating visually appealing, community-oriented learning environments online.
- Theories of Second Language Acquisition: a brief history of the most important theories and concepts in second language acquisition.
- Teaching Grammar: strategies for teaching grammar concepts in the ESL/EFL classroom.
- Teaching Vocabulary: strategies for teaching English vocabulary across domains.
- Techniques for Teaching Listening & Speaking: a review of helpful techniques and strategies for teaching English listening and speaking both in person and online.
- Developing Lessons for the English Language Classroom: a review of approaches for lesson development for EFL/ESL classes.
- Strategies for Teaching Reading: helpful strategies for effective instruction in the realm of English reading skill development.
- Brain Power: Tips for Improving Memory Retention and Language Instruction: evaluate the merits of research and other scientific data on memory retention and determine which language instruction tips apply in their classrooms.
- Post-Writing: More Student Involvement to Lighten Teacher’s Load: evaluate an existing post-writing activity and engage in a discussion on adapting an in-class activity that increases student’s involvement in post-writing.
- Using Star Trek to Engage Students in Discussions on Unity in Diversity: this session will boldly engage participants (Trekkies or not) in a discussion on how an iconic TV show like Star Trek can be a resource in addressing current events with students. Participants will explore new ways to enliven online classes by providing opportunities to discuss societal issues and how the arts and entertainment industry (specifically Star Trek) has tackled these issues.
If you are having questions please get in touch at colival@fullsail.com